Lucient Curator
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Mario G. Quelart has been a fundamental and ubiquitous part of the Spanish electronic scene for years. Whether as a programmer, promoter, agent or simply as a cog that helps keep the wheel turning, he is one of the most valued people on the circuit, by both friends and professionals. 2023 will mark 20 years since he first stepped into a booth, and in this time he has undoubtedly become one of the most talented artists in the country. His versatility and vision for the dance floor, together with his excellent technique make him an infallible DJ. Lucient is a resident DJ at LAUT club in Barcelona and is part of the Lapsus family where, amongst other tasks, he is in charge of A&R for CEE, the club orientated sub-label. This is where the project CEE Shepherds, with musical accomplice Albert Salinas (AKA Wooky) was born. Not only has he excelled in his facet as a selector, but in recent years he has also lavished as a producer. His debut album “Sa Casa Des Carbó” (Lapsus Records, 2022) slipped into many of the best of the year lists, including that of the prestigious London record store Phonica. His most recent track, “Jeu! (ft. Phran)” was released as part of the Human Club compilation and sees Lucient’s productions shift towards the dance floor. An exciting new EP within these realms is expected by the end of the year.